Sample projects: Car park operators
Gänsbühl Center Ravensburg
Located in the heart of the historic old town of Ravensburg and after a comprehensive redesign, visitors are presented an extensive shopping experience on 3 floors. Offers range from clothing, drugstores, book shops, multimedia and a grocery store to small but fine dining.
Catholic Medical Center Essen
Uniting St. Marys Hospital in Altenessen, Philippusstift in Borbeck and St. Vincent Hospital in Stoppenbeck, the Catholic Medical Center Essen provides a significant contribution to medical care in the Region. More than 2,000 employees attend to more than 80,000 patients per year at these sites.
Car park city center Backnang
The City of Backnang, located only 30 km away from regional capital Stuttgart, is an up-and-coming mid-sized town with a historic old town and very good shopping facilities important beyond its regions due to the outstanding transport infrastructure.