We will be happy to advise you by telephone or in a personal meeting at your premises. Please contact us free of charge and without obligation using the form below. Our existing customers please contact our specialist departments directly via our service form (link) and our support form (link).
Address and availability
bebarmatic Parksysteme GmbH
Carl-Friedrich-Gauss-Str. 5
47475 Kamp-Lintfort
+49 2842 9271-0
Business hours
Mo - Fr: 8 til 16:30 h CET
A57 from direction Nijmegen or Cologne and A42 from direction Dortmund
Change at the junction A42/A57 to the B528 motorway feeder in the direction of Kamp-Lintfort Süd
After 2 km at the end of the B528 turn right at the traffic lights into direction of Kamp-Lintfort
After 300 m turn left into Max-Planck-Straße
Follow the road (becareful several right-to-left junctions)
After 750 m, turn right at the roundabout
After another 250 m you will find us on the left
Please use the visitor parking and the intercom at the entrance
A40 from direction Duisburg or Venlo
Use exit 7 Neukirchen-Vluyn
Drive about 6 km in the direction of Kamp-Lintfort
Turn left 300 m behind the 5th traffic light into Max-Planck-Straße
Follow the road (becareful several right-to-left junctions)
After 750 m, turn right at the roundabout
After another 250 m you will find us on the left
Please use the visitor parking and the intercom at the entrance